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AdU extend help as NCR is under MECQ again

May 27, 2021 | 1:09 P.M

By: Melva Espin 

The Sage Konek: News Online Report

Metro Manila goes back to MECQ situation because of the increase in the number of cases of COVID-19. Adamson University continues its donation drive for the affected families and street dwellers due to COVID-19. 


The Program Covid: Charity over Virus Indifference and despair is in one year in the making as they started it last year, as we all know that the Metro Manila has been in ECQ at that time. Adu together with Vicente de Paul (CSP) Parish and the Miraculous Medal Apostolate (MMA) eventually extend helps to the needy by giving foods and relief packs.


The founding of this program is from the good hearts of the other citizen. The school accepts cash donations through bank transfers, mobile transfers, and even drop off. The program is made to give hope for those less fortunate as well as for the medical front liner. Every small amount donated is equal to a person’s happiness.


The San Vicente de Paul Parish van driven Parish Priest, Fr. Joel Rescober, CM with his altar boys led the distributing of hot meals around San Marcelino, Taft Avenue, Kalaw, and Lawton since the ECQ started. They have been able to feed over 500 people every day. 


AdU is well known because of its Vincentian Values, the school always does programs for a cause. The Vincentian Community truly lives on the quote by St. Vincent De Paul: "Charity is

certainly greater than any rule. Moreover, all rules must lead to charity."

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