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Confessions of an Adamsonian: 6 embarrassing stories
April 20, 2021  10:38 A.m
By: Kristine Cadiente, Dominic Danao & Cristina Galvez

We asked fellow klasmeyts to share their most embarrassing yet hilarious moments, be it on campus or in online class. Below is a compilation of their stories. 


  1. Online dance session?! 

During an online lecture, I got so bored that I decided to dance to Diana Ross’s “I’m coming out.” It was too late when I realized that my camera and microphone were on and everyone saw what I did. My friends couldn’t stop laughing at me. Best believe I didn’t participate in class the whole day.


  1. Floor wax slip up

 I was running fast in the corridor because I was late for my next class when I suddenly slipped because of the fresh floor wax. The most embarrassing part is that everyone who saw me laughed, even the professors. Due to embarrassment, I stopped running and decided to walk while enduring the pain of my butt and back.


  1.  Restroom mishap 

 I went to school with a hangover, so I was a bit nauseous at that time. I went to the restroom to relieve myself, and then I noticed when I went out of the stall, boys were looking at me. Turns out I went to the wrong restroom. I just laughed and ran out as fast as I could. 


  1. Heartbreak Wall 

In the classroom, I received a text from my boyfriend saying that we should break up. I was so heartbroken that I went out, sat and leaned against the wall, and listened to sad music while crying. I didn't realize that the bell rang, and all my classmates came out and saw me crying. I just told them that I was practicing my acting skills in case I join the theater club. 


  1. Hit and Run

I was walking in the corridor when I saw a man reading a book a few feet away. At first glance, I thought it was my close friend, so I caught up with him and gave him a massive smack on his back. When he turned to look, I realized that it wasn’t my friend! My hampas really hurt him, but I was so humiliated that I ran to our classroom. I saw my friend sitting in his chair, reviewing for the quiz.


        6. Blow and Blouse

I forgot the reason, but I cried once outside our classroom. I thought there was no one in the corridor, so I continued my weeping session. As I was blowing my hot and steamy snot in my blouse (I had no handkerchief at that time), I saw someone watching me with a disgusted face. We stared at each other for a moment, then I got up and just walked away. 

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