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In a world full of black and white, we are gray
By: Kristina Galvez  l  May 21, 2021 10:40 P.M

Photo by: Cristina Galvez


It's 9 pm, When the night seems mildly dark, and the moon seems to be lit all day.

A deep breath of fresh air filled my lungs as I stood on the balcony and looked at the streets of Seoul. 

Certainly, the song of my past started playing over and over, in my head.


This song is so painful; it contains all of my mistakes and reminds me of my regret. These songs contain stories of all unspoken words, unspoken tears, and unfulfilled desires. Everyone’s mind is focused on black and white. They forgot to see gray. When you are not happy, you are sad. When you don’t speak, you’re shy. When you do nothing, you are lazy. When you only have one friend, you are not popular. When you wear makeup, you’re insecure. When you are fat, you eat too much. When you stay home, you’re boring. When you always smile, you have a good life. When you drink too much, you are pitiful.


 Let go of expectations that can cause us to live with constant frustration, and push us to be the best version of ourselves instead of setting a limit on the possible and the impossible. The thought of life having only either one perfect or one horrible side will not allow us to try to see if there is more to what it presents itself. We should not limit ourselves because then, we will never be able to enjoy the unexpected and undiscovered gray areas of life.

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