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May 25, 2021 5:01pm

By: Jiesebel Turallo

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MY FIRST LOVE- Turallo's mother holding her during her first birthday | Photo by: Jiesebel Turallo

She is the woman that I admire the most. She is not just a mother to us; she is also our best friend inside of our home.  


We have so many things we discuss, just like usual random chit-chat. Of course, we also have mother and daughter conversations. Even though sometimes we have misunderstandings, by all means, we fix them.


 I can't remember when was the most memorable day with her because, for me, every day is remarkable with her. 


I learned so many things from her about her own life experiences before she had us. And it's my favorite moment every time she shares the story of her life. 


I know that not all mothers have the same relationship with their children. They have different techniques in raising their kids, and their connection as a parent and child may also be different from ours. 


For me, my mom taught us the things we can benefit from for our good. She raised us well; she shows us how caring and thoughtful a mother can be. I am proud to be one of her daughters. 


She is also an understanding mama to my siblings and me. Every time I show her my report card, she gets so used to it every quarter or every school year that I get some low grades in subjects that I don't perform well. She does not expect me to get any high grades or be in the honors list because it is fine as long as I do my best to pass. Still, she is proud because I continue to make progress in moving to the next level.


She never pressures us to do anything that we may not want to do with our lives because she lets us discover what we want. She believes in our capabilities, although sometimes there is self-doubt.


Mothers are one of our first fans, supporters, and believers. Yes, not all mothers have the same perceptions in life; some mothers are strict, some are permissive, but I know they have reasons for that. They are one of the most caring people and matter a lot to every home.


Being a mother is not as easy as we thought it was. I am not even yet a mother, but every time I see my mom striving hard for everything that she is doing it is for us to provide for our needs daily. 


There are things that we are not asking for but she still provides them. 


And if I were to be a mother in the future, I would love to be like her because she is such a strong woman and she is my inspiration to be a tough woman. Regardless of what we had through in life, she did not give up easily. 


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