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Hear Us Out, ADU!

AdU community demands semestral end

April 04, 2021 |  12:51 P.M

By: Juan Marcos Toñacao


The Official Memo of the AUSG to University President Manimtim for the call of the end of the semester

Source: AUSG Facebook Page

The Adamson University Student Government wrote and sent a formal letter of appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs office on April 4, 2021, requesting that the school semester be put to an end. 


The reason behind this demand is because of previous requests for academic breaks denied, cases of students and professors infected of COVID-19, the unstable condition of our nation, and the government's lack of ability to deal with the pandemic, affecting the students' mental, emotional, and physical well-being.



Aside from the demands of ending the semester, the letter also proposed that learners be marked as “PASSED” in all subjects, allow students who are taking board courses to have access to recorded lectures and modules at their own phase,  and conduct online panels for dissertations. 

the AUSG recommends that all parents of active Adamson University students participate in the petition, which seeks to collect at least 7,000 responses by Friday, April 9, 2021. The survey's aim is to collect feedback and advice on the pandemic condition as well as the demand to end the semester. 

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